Twenty-fine; Lessons I have learned about spirituality, celibacy, dating, life and healing

It’s my twenty fifth birthday! I’m finally saying goodbye to my early 20s and now the pressure of having my shii together is getting worser lol. 

I’ve always shared the lessons I’ve learned during my birthdays and this year isn’t any different. 

So here it goes:


My relationship with God is growing daily even though it sometimes gets rocky. Dissociating religion from my spirituality has played a huge role in building an intimate relationship with God. Knowing God without limitations nor without fear has really helped me. 


After 3 years of being single I decided to jump back into dating, put myself out there because apparently I wasn’t going to get a man delivered on my doorstep like an Amazon package lol 😂. I thought that was how it worked 😅

I’ve always met men the old fashioned way, through a friend, a social place etc.  I had never used a dating site until this year. So guess who downloaded tinder? Me! Fortunately it was before the tinder swindler debacle or else I’d have never downloaded tinder nor any other dating site. 

Tinder was an experience, I however don’t recommend this. 

Please go on many dates, engage with as many people as you can. Don’t put all your eggs in one basket, keep a roster and have fun while dating. Enjoy your singleness because who knows, I might meet my husband next year. 

Now I’m guarding my heart not out of fear but out of my trust in God, I’m a firm believer of ‘good men still exist’. 


I apologise in advance to my family members who’ll come across this post haha 😂. Practicing celibacy helped me channel my sexual energy to my personal goals. I’ll talk more about this in a separate post though. Chasing nuts is no longer desirable for me and I’d rather wait until I meet the right partner with whom I feel comfortable with. Celibacy for me isn’t spiritually inclined but it has helped me grow spiritually.


I shouldn’t put time limits on my life because life won’t go as exactly as I planned. Being a perfectionist really puts a strain on my life and hinders me from acknowledging my successes and primarily focus on my failures. I’m unlearning this. 

Try new things, travel more, go on more solo dates, live a little. 


I’ve been going to therapy and actively healing. I am also unlearning my toxic habits, my unhealthy patterns and learning better, healthier ways. 

I can’t do healing only in isolation, I have to also do it in my relationship with others.

I was in a situationship for a short while and that allowed me to see the parts of me that needed healing, parts of me that I needed to work on so I don’t carry them in my next relationship. I don’t regret giving the wrong person a chance, that was a learning experience to me. 

This new year is a learning experience for me. I’d definitely do an update on my next birthday. Cheers to a new age!