We all dream of a healthy, shiny and thick hair. We all try to follow religiously a hair routine that involves; shampooing, conditioning and styling. But when was the last time you gave your hair and scalp a deep cleanse and detox?

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Washing your hair isn’t good enough to get your hair properly cleaned because your hair products could be leaving residue and chemicals that are building up on your scalp. Then you will begin seeing all the hair problems such as; hair loss, dandruff, greasy hair and hair fall.


  1. Get rid of toxin build-up to promote healthy new growth
  2. Improve scalp circulation, bringing nutrients and oxygen to roots of hair
  3. Help regenerate hair cells
  4. Unclogs hair follicles 
  5. Get rid of dryness, flakiness and scalp irritation


  1. Frequency

Knowing and understanding your hair needs will help you find a good frequency for your hair.If you overdo it your scalp may be irrirated by it. If you use styling products regularly or have oily hair, then a weekly detox is fine for you. If your hair is normally dry, then a biweekly detox is fine.


      2. Massage

This is a great way to relieve all the tense and stress and improve circulation to your follicles which supply the hair roots with oxygen, nutrients and carry toxin away from your scalp.

      3. Maintain 

Detoxing your scalp doesn’t mean that’s good enough for your hair if you continue to do whatever you want with your hair. You need to develop healthy hair habits and try as much as possible to avoid styling products . 


Here are some of the recipes I’ve personally used:

Clay Scalp Detox
The Indian Aztec Clay is one of my personal favorites. I mix the clay with apple cider vinegar and olive oil. Leave it on for 30 minutes then rinse it out.
To read more about it click here 

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Apple Cider Vinegar Rinse
I have a weird liking for ACV even though many people are irked by its smell I personally like the smell.
With the ACV I’ll mix 1 part of it with 4 parts water in a bottle. After washing my hair, I’ll tilt my head backwards and spread the rinse through my hair. After a few seconds, I’ll rinse my hair with cold water to seal in the moisture. 

If you have more detox recipes kindly share with us in the comment section.