Hello beautiful people, I am finally breaking this deafening
silence and taking back my place in this space. I took a long hiatus from
writing which was unintentional at first due to some challenges I faced in the
beginning of the year. As the months went on, I gave myself excuse after excuse
of why it wasn’t time to come back.

Life got a bit busy with school and with business and trying
to balance those two has been mentally and physically exhausting.

A few things that happened;

-I celebrated my two years blogging anniversary, yippee! Even
though I didn’t get to publish the lessons I learnt and my future goals like I
did last year, I will do that in the coming year.

-One of my articles got featured in a YouTube channel and
that got me so excited because it is heartwarming knowing my blog is visible and
being discovered.

YouTube link:

-My business (Nally Naturals) is growing by the day and in as
much as it is elating it is also scary.

-My blog passed the 70k mark (road to 100k) yippee! Thank you for being an avid reader.

-I finally let go of google AdSense as my primary
monetization tool (a story for another day) and I am finally doing more affiliate marketing.

Even though so many things happened behind the scenes, I
have highlighted the few major ones. Since I am on summer break I will show up
as often as possible. Going forward I would also like to do more collaborations
with other natural hair and lifestyle bloggers. If you are interested please
reach out to me via email

Thank you for visiting my website, I wish to see more of you
here. Cheers!